"Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." James 1:22 (NKJV)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bible Do-Votional: Rules of Engagement

The James 1:22 project starts next week. In the meantime, let's establish the rules of engagement.

The forty commands are listed in my January 25 post. I'll focus on one of these commands each week, with the goal of observing it in concrete, practical ways. I'll take the commands in whatever order the Spirit leads or, absent that, according to my whimsy.

Although I'll be focusing on one command each week, my hope is that this project will have a lasting, life-changing impact. When a command calls for a change in my life, I want to respond by making a lasting change.

I should say a bit about my method of selecting the forty commands. I skimmed through the New Testament, noting all the commands that I found. I then selected forty commands suitable for this project---commands that I hope to observe in a tangible and meaningful way within a one week time frame. Someone else's list might be very different. It's not intended to be an all-inclusive list. Nor is this a list of the most important commands. Jesus gave us that list: love God, and love your neighbor as yourself. All other Biblical commands show us the way to live out these first two commands.

If you take time to read this blog, then you are very welcome to leave comments here or to contact me by e-mail.

How far will this go? What will it lead to? We'll see.

It's "The James 1:22 Project," coming next week to a computer near you.

"You may as well quit reading and hearing the Word of God, and give it to the devil, if you do not desire to live according to it."
--Martin Luther


  1. This looks like a very interesting and worthwhile project. I am adding you to my google reader and will follow your updates.

    Just curious about something. As I was reading through the list of commands, I was immediately reminded of a John Piper book I have called, What Jesus Demands From the World (is it possible to underline text in this comment section?). Then I noticed Desiring God as one of your favorite links. Any connection of this blog and that book?

    By the way - John Piper is one of our very favorite pastor/author.

    Thanks -- Jodi Hubert

  2. Thanks for the kind comment, Jodi. Piper is one of my favorites, but I wasn't aware of his book, "What Jesus Demands From the World," until after I started planning the project. I have been reading it. The idea of making a project out of Biblical obedience and writing about it on a blog came from two places. There's a book called, "The Year of Living Biblically," by A.J. Jacobs. Jacobs tries to live the Bible literally for one-year. Jacobs is an agnostic. He's doing it as a goof, and the book is a comedy. But, I thought it was a very interesting idea, and even the agnostic and cynical Jacobs was moved and changed by the experience. The idea of blogging the project came primarily from a movie, "Julie & Julia," which is about the chef Julia Child and a woman named Julie Powell who decided to cook through Child's cookbook in one year while blogging about it.

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