"Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." James 1:22 (NKJV)

Project Reading List

Here is The James 1:22 Project annotated bibliography.  It's the list of books and other resources that I've consulted and found valuable or referred to during The James 1:22 Project, with a short note about each one.  Links are to Amazon.com.


Foster, Richard J.,  Celebration of Discipline: A Path to Spiritual Growth; 3d ed. (HarperSanFrancisco 1988).  This book has changed my life.  At the advice of a wise mentor, it was the first Christian book I read after my conversion.  I still refer to it frequently.  It provides a theological framework for the disciplines and much practical guidance.

Giglio, Louie, The Air I Breath; (Multnomah Books 2003).  This little book (a one or two hour read) has helped me better understand why we worship, how we worship and who we worship. 

Grudem, Wayne, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Bible Doctrine; (Zondervan 1995).  Very comprehensive.  Profound theological insight.  Practical application.  Simple, easy to understand language.

Jacobs, A.J., The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible (Simon & Schuster 2008).  This was not reference material, but it was part of the inspiration for the project.  Jacobs is an agnostic who takes on the project of living Biblically for a writing project.  It's funny and interesting to see how an agnostic approaches the Bible.  At the end, he declares that he's a "reverent agnostic." 

Piper, John, What Jesus Demands from the World; (Crossway Books 2006).  This is one of my favorite books by John Piper, and that's saying something.  Piper reminds us that the Gospel is not only about grace, but also is a call to complete surrender.  This book provided the theological foundation for this project. 

Smedes, Lewis B., Forgive and Forget, Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve; 2d ed. (HarperOne 2007).  This book will be a blessing and encouragement to anyone who has been deeply and unfairly wounded by another and struggled to forgive. 


Chariots of Fire (Warner Home Video 1981).  This is one of my favorite movies.  I generally turn to the movies for entertainment, not for inspiration.  I go the Bible or to church for inspiration.  Every once in a while, however, a movie encourages me in a powerful way.  No movie has meant more to me than this one.

The Passion of the Christ (20th Century Fox 2004).  Mel Gibson's vision of the Jesus's last twelve hours.  I highly recommend it, but be forewarned that it's not a movie you enjoy watching.  Faithful to the Biblical account, it is extremely violent and sorrowful.  Not for children.   


The Word of Promise Audio Bible (Thomas Nelson 2009).